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Monsieur Philip Warren HAWKSLEY (1943/2018)

Pompes Funèbres Goudal Jouenne, le 12/03/2018

Nous vous présentons nos sincères condoléances. Nos pensées sont avec vous en cette période de deuil.

M.et Mme Johnson Tony & Alison, le 20/03/2018

Dear Kathleen & Family

We were genuinely upset and shocked to learn of Warren's passing, and would wish to express our heartfelt condolences to you.
You will not know of us, but we are, and always will be, eternally grateful for Warren's 'life saving' intervention in our lives some 33 years ago.
At the time we lived in Albrighton and we were both struggling to the point of mental breakdown with our severely autistic and mentally handicapped son Michael; desperately trying, but failing, to get help from the County Council in accepting his condition and finding a suitable placement for him. The Council had repeatedly said they could do nothing and in desperation we wrote to Warren on the advice of our doctor (Dr Perry) . To my utter amazement , the very next day I was contacted by Social Services to tell me that upon receiving our letter Warren had gone immediately to Shire Hall to see them, read them the riot act while banging their desk, and demanded that they take immediate action to help us! All at once everything that previously 'could not be done' WAS DONE.
His actions 'saved our lives' and that of our son, who now lives happily in an autistic community.
We are forever indebted to Warren. God bless him, and yourselves.

Tony & Alison Johnson

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